Deconstructing the long-standing a priori assumption that serial homology generally involves ancestral similarity followed by anatomical divergence

It has long been assumed that the homologous series of ancestrally are polysomerism resulting from the “duplicate” or “repetition” of the form-and then often stray-anisomerism, for example, because they are adapted to perform different tasks as well as the forelimbs and hind legs of man. However, assuming that, with important implications for comparative biology, evolution, and development, and for evolutionary developmental biology, have generally not been thoroughly tested with extensive analysis of existing empirical data.

Perhaps not surprisingly, comparative anatomy newer, as well as knowledge of the molecular how, for example, the structure of the appendicular serial patterned along with areas anteroposterior different body axis of bilateral animals, and how “homologous” pattern forming domain is not always marked as “homologous” domain morphology, placing in question this paradigm.

In fact, in addition to showing that a lot of so-called “homologous series” perhaps not at all, recent work suggests that at least some cases of several “serial” structure is more similar to each other in the taxa derived from the phylogenetically more ancestors, as shown by authors such as Owen. In this article, we take a step back to the question of whether these assumptions are really true at all, in the first place.

In particular, we review another case called “homologous series” like the wings of insects, arthropods walk complementary, dipteran chest hair, and spine, ribs, teeth, myomeres, feathers and animal hair chordate. We show that: (a) there is almost never the case in common ancestral right; (B) in the evolution, structure-for like for example, vertebra-and / or subparts-for their example, “transverse processes” -many times to show a trend toward less in common, while in many others to show a trend toward more common, that is, one can not say that there is a clear overall trend to anisomerism.

 Deconstructing the long-standing a priori assumption that serial homology generally involves ancestral similarity followed by anatomical divergence
Deconstructing the long-standing a priori assumption that serial homology generally involves ancestral similarity followed by anatomical divergence

The Tuatara genome reveals evolutionary ancient features amniote

The Tuatara (Sphenodon punctatus) -the only living members of the order of reptiles rhynchocephalia (Sphenodontia), once widespread throughout Gondwana1,2-is iconic species endemic to New Zealand2,3. A key link for the now-extinct reptile stem (from which dinosaurs, modern reptiles, birds and mammals evolved), tuatara provide key insights into amniotes2,4 ancestors.

Here we analyze the genome of the tuatara, which-about 5 Gb-is one of the largest of the unassembled vertebrate genomes. Our analysis of this genome, along with comparisons with other vertebrate genomes, reinforce the uniqueness of the tuatara. Phylogenetic analysis showed that the tuatara descent deviated from the snakes and lizards around 250 million years ago. this lineage also showed a moderate rate of molecular evolution, with examples punctuated evolution.

Xylene for molecular biology, 99.5%

45122 250 ml
EUR 2.81
Description: Part A

Glycine for molecular biology, 99.5%

64072 100 Gms
EUR 1.64
Description: Part A

Acetone for molecular biology, 99.8%

27498 500 ml
EUR 3.76
Description: Part A

Formamide for molecular biology, 99.5%

30349 500 ml
EUR 5.82
Description: Part A

Methanol for molecular biology, 99.5%

96446 500 ml
EUR 6.23
Description: Part A

Carbinol for molecular biology, 99.5%

34883 500 ml
EUR 6.23
Description: Part A

Imidazole for molecular biology, 99.5%

61510 25 Gms
EUR 5.47
Description: Part A

Chloroform for molecular biology, 99.8%

96764 100 ml
EUR 3.08
Description: Part A

Urea, suitable for molecular biology

GE1210 500g
EUR 53.1

Urea, suitable for molecular biology

GE1210-1 1
EUR 58

Urea, suitable for molecular biology

GE1210-1KG 1 kg
EUR 106.8

Urea, suitable for molecular biology

GE1210-500 500
EUR 33.1

Urea, suitable for molecular biology

GE1210-500G 500 g
EUR 76.8

Ficoll 400® for molecular biology

45460 5 Gms
EUR 15.6
Description: Part B

Agarose UltraPhor for molecular biology

27813 10 Gms
EUR 46.5
Description: Part B

Boric Acid for molecular biology, 99.5%

22311 250 Gms
EUR 4.04
Description: Part A

MOPS Buffer for molecular biology, 99%

66043 25 Gms
EUR 10.28
Description: Part B

ACES Buffer for molecular biology, 99.5%

27907 5 Gms
EUR 5.4
Description: Part B

Vitamin B12 for molecular biology, 97%

77472 250 Mg
EUR 5.78
Description: Part B

2-Mercaptoethanol ?For Molecular Biology

MB041-100ML 1 unit
EUR 9.02
Description: 2-Mercaptoethanol ?For Molecular Biology

2-Mercaptoethanol ?For Molecular Biology

MB041-500ML 1 unit
EUR 26.47
Description: 2-Mercaptoethanol ?For Molecular Biology

Agarose Low EEO for molecular biology

36601 10 Gms
EUR 5.1
Description: Part B

10X MOPS Buffer for molecular biology

68078 100 ml
EUR 4.5
Description: Part B

CHAPS Buffer for molecular biology, 99.5%

21420 1 Gms
EUR 10.73
Description: Part B

HEPES Buffer for molecular biology, 99.5%

16826 25 Gms
EUR 6.3
Description: Part B

Sodium Azide for molecular biology, 99%

17782 100 Gms
EUR 5.47
Description: Part A

PIPES Buffer for molecular biology, 99%

49159 100 Gms
EUR 26.03
Description: Part B

Tris Buffer Superior for molecular biology, 99.9%

37969 100 Gms
EUR 7.59
Description: Part A

Agarose High EEO for molecular biology

60645 25 Gms
EUR 13.8
Description: Part B

Jasmonic Acid for molecular biology, 95%

79238 25 Mg
EUR 120.9
Description: Part B

Tris Buffer AR, ACS for molecular biology, 99.9%

71033 100 Gms
EUR 6.02
Description: Part A

Oil Red O for molecular biology, 75%

23576 25 Gms
EUR 5.33
Description: Part B

Protamine Sulfate for molecular biology, 90-110%

78349 1 Gms
EUR 22.5
Description: Part B

Sodium Chloride for molecular biology, 99.9%

33205 500 Gms
EUR 4.52
Description: Part A

Agarose Medium EEO for molecular biology

10423 10 Gms
EUR 6.75
Description: Part B

Isopropanol (IPA) for molecular biology, 99.8%

38445 100 ml
EUR 1.71
Description: Part A

Acetonitrile (ACN) for molecular biology, 99.9%

62006 250 ml
EUR 4.93
Description: Part A

Ethidium Bromide for molecular biology, 95%

93079 1 Gms
EUR 4.58
Description: Part A

Ammonium Acetate for molecular biology, 98%

37829 100 Gms
EUR 2.12
Description: Part A

Agarose Low Melting for molecular biology

32417 5 Gms
EUR 22.5
Description: Part B

RNase/DNase free water, for molecular biology (10 x 1.5ml)

Z-RNase/DNase-free-water n/a
EUR 62

Trifluoroacetic Acid (TFA) for molecular biology, 99.9%

40801 100 ml
EUR 22.92
Description: Part A

Potassium Acetate for molecular biology, 99.5%

96248 100 Gms
EUR 2.74
Description: Part A

Ammonium Chloride for molecular biology, 99.5%

16992 500 Gms
EUR 4.52
Description: Part A

Ammonium Sulphate for molecular biology, 99.5%

82126 250 Gms
EUR 4.93
Description: Part A

Sodium Acetate Trihydrate for molecular biology, 99.5%

88035 250 Gms
EUR 2.33
Description: Part A

Potassium Chloride for molecular biology, 99.5%

84984 500 Gms
EUR 6.16
Description: Part A

Sodium Bicarbonate for molecular biology, 99.7%

36328 500 Gms
EUR 5.47
Description: Part A

Glycerol (Glycerine) for molecular biology, 99.5%

62417 100 ml
EUR 2.05
Description: Part A

Phenol Crystalline for molecular biology, 99.5%

17286 100 Gms
EUR 3.15
Description: Part A

2-Mercaptoethanol for molecular biology, 99%

83759 100 ml
EUR 5.27
Description: Part A

Acriflavine Neutral for molecular biology, 98%

42428 5 Gms
EUR 3.15
Description: Part B

Dichloromethane (DCM) for molecular biology, 99.9%

41512 250 ml
EUR 3.22
Description: Part A

Tetrahydrofuran (THF) for molecular biology, 99.8%

92562 250 ml
EUR 3.28
Description: Part A

Dithioerythritol (DTE) for molecular biology, 99%

53384 1 Gms
EUR 9.53
Description: Part B

Tris Hydrochloride (Tris HCl) for molecular biology, 99%

89781 100 Gms
EUR 9.37
Description: Part A

Sodium chloride, suitable for molecular biology

GE0307 1kg
EUR 41.33

Sodium chloride, suitable for molecular biology

GE0307-1 1
EUR 45.2

meta-Topolin (mT) for molecular biology, 98%

68913 25 Mg
EUR 17.48
Description: Part B

L-Ascorbic Acid for molecular biology, 99.7%

14116 25 Gms
EUR 1.64
Description: Part A

HEPES Sodium Salt for molecular biology, 99%

32225 25 Gms
EUR 11.85
Description: Part B

10X Tris Buffered Saline (TBS) for molecular biology

83471 500 ml
EUR 14.7
Description: Part B

Sucrose, GlenBiol, suitable for molecular biology

GC3201-1KG 1 kg
EUR 90

Glycogen ex. Oyster for molecular biology, 85%

49740 1 Gms
EUR 7.5
Description: Part B

D-Sorbitol Powder for molecular biology, 98%

99103 500 Gms
EUR 10.33
Description: Part A

Acetic Acid Glacial for molecular biology, 99.9%

59788 100 ml
EUR 3.56
Description: Part A

Acrylamide 3x cryst. for molecular biology, 99.9%

61346 100 Gms
EUR 5.47
Description: Part A

Brilliant Blue G-250 for molecular biology

64222 5 Gms
EUR 4.65
Description: Part B

Brilliant Blue R-250 for molecular biology

93473 5 Gms
EUR 4.35
Description: Part B

Propidium Iodide (PI) for molecular biology, 95%

11195 10 Mg
EUR 17.63
Description: Part B

Acriflavine Hydrochloride for molecular biology, 98.5%-105%

35188 5 Gms
EUR 4.05
Description: Part B

Polysorbate 20 (Tween 20) for molecular biology

65296 100 Gms
EUR 10.81
Description: Part A

10X Tris-Glycine-SDS Buffer for molecular biology

57806 200 ml
EUR 3.6
Description: Part B

10X Tris-Tricine-SDS Buffer for molecular biology

37852 500 ml
EUR 9.08
Description: Part B

10X TE Buffer pH-8.0 for molecular biology

51782 100 ml
EUR 9.45
Description: Part B

10X TBE Buffer pH-8.3 for molecular biology

83170 200 ml
EUR 4.95
Description: Part B

10X TAE Buffer pH-8.3 for molecular biology

71989 100 ml
EUR 4.43
Description: Part B

Acrylamide 40% aq. solution for molecular biology

29787 250 ml
EUR 20.53
Description: Part A

MES Monohydrate Buffer for molecular biology, 99%

26854 25 Gms
EUR 11.03
Description: Part B

Molecular Biology Grade Water for RT-PCR

ML065-1.5ML 1 unit
EUR 7.82
Description: Molecular Biology Grade Water for RT-PCR

Glutathione Reduced (GSH) for molecular biology, 99.5%

11514 1 Gms
EUR 5.55
Description: Part B

DL-Dithiothreitol (DTT) for molecular biology, 98%

17315 1 Gms
EUR 5.18
Description: Part B

Ammonium Persulphate (APS) for molecular biology, 99%

65553 25 Gms
EUR 1.64
Description: Part A

Sodium Acetate Anhydrous for molecular biology, 99%

22342 250 Gms
EUR 3.56
Description: Part A

Dimethyl Sulphoxide (DMSO) for molecular biology, 99.8%

24075 100 ml
EUR 6.02
Description: Part A

Cesium Sulphate extrapure for molecular biology, 99.9%

57455 10 Gms
EUR 7.5
Description: Part B

Glutathione Oxidized (GSSG) for molecular biology, 99.5%

22151 250 Mg
EUR 22.5
Description: Part B

Guanidine Thiocyanate (GTC) for molecular biology, 99%

80272 100 Gms
EUR 5.47
Description: Part A

Cesium Chloride ultrapure for molecular biology, 99.9%

32355 25 Gms
EUR 18
Description: Part B

Sucrose, GlenBiol™, suitable for molecular biology

GC3201 1kg
EUR 41.25

Sucrose, GlenBiol™, suitable for molecular biology

GC3201-1 1
EUR 45.1

Formamide, GlenBiol™, suitable for molecular biology

GS9663 100ml
EUR 46.83

Formamide, GlenBiol™, suitable for molecular biology

GS9663-100 100
EUR 48.9

Sodium Citrate Tribasic Dihydrate for molecular biology, 99%

67331 250 Gms
EUR 4.38
Description: Part A

Pyridine, GlenBiol™, suitable for molecular biology with molecular sieve

GS8780 2500ml
EUR 239.63

Pyridine, GlenBiol™, suitable for molecular biology with molecular sieve

GS8780-2500 2500
EUR 249.8

Calcium Chloride Dihydrate for molecular biology, 99.5%

97080 100 Gms
EUR 2.12
Description: Part A

Diethyl Pyrocarbonate (DEPC) for molecular biology, 99%

46791 5 ml
Description: Part B

Pyridine, GlenBiol™, suitable for molecular biology

GS6659 500ml
EUR 230.38

Pyridine, GlenBiol™, suitable for molecular biology

GS6659-2500 2500
EUR 240.3

Pyridine, GlenBiol™, suitable for molecular biology

GS6659-500 500
EUR 95.8

20X SSC Buffer pH 6.9-7.1 for molecular biology

12590 200 ml
EUR 2.48
Description: Part B

Polyethylene Glycol 8000 (PEG 8000) for molecular biology

54866 500 Gms
EUR 11.97
Description: Part A

Bromocresol Purple Sodium Salt for molecular biology

24836 5 Gms
EUR 2.05
Description: Part A

Guanidine Hydrochloride (GHC) for molecular biology, 99.5%

45539 100 Gms
EUR 4.79
Description: Part A

Phenol Tris Equilibrated for molecular biology w/ Stabilizer

12692 60 ml
EUR 10.13
Description: Part A

Proteinase K ex. Tritirachium Album (Type A) for molecular biology, 30U/mg

49936 25 Mg
EUR 8.25
Description: Part B

Magnesium Acetate Tetrahydrate for molecular biology, 99%

50488 100 Gms
EUR 2.74
Description: Part A

Magnesium Chloride Hexahydrate for molecular biology, 99.5%

91417 250 Gms
EUR 4.45
Description: Part A

10X Tris Acetate-SDS Buffer pH-8.3 for molecular biology

98635 500 ml
Description: Part B

20X Tris Acetate-SDS Buffer pH-8.3 for molecular biology

47804 500 ml
EUR 11.25
Description: Part B

L-Lysine Monohydrate (base) for molecular biology, 99%

45976 25 Gms
EUR 37.63
Description: Part A

Agarose Low EEO Superior Grade for molecular biology

23287 10 Gms
Description: Part B

Magnesium Sulphate Heptahydrate for molecular biology, 99.5%

74440 500 Gms
EUR 6.16
Description: Part A

10X Tris-Glycine pH-8.3 Tank Buffer for molecular biology

87326 200 ml
EUR 6.3
Description: Part B

N,N-Dimethylformamide (DMF) for molecular biology, 99.9%

24017 100 ml
EUR 3.08
Description: Part A

Cesium Chloride extrapure AR for molecular biology, 99.9%

22966 25 Gms
EUR 14.63
Description: Part B

EDTA Disodium Salt Dihydrate for molecular biology, 99.5%

43272 100 Gms
EUR 2.26
Description: Part A

Tris (Molecular Biology Grade)

CE237 500 g
EUR 79

Tris (Molecular Biology Grade)

CE238 1 kg
EUR 135

Tris (Molecular Biology Grade)

CE239 5 kg
EUR 608

Chloroform : Isoamyl Alcohol (24:1) for molecular biology

85563 100 ml
EUR 8.48
Description: Part B

1X Phosphate Buffered Saline (PBS) for molecular biology

95131 100 ml
EUR 3.98
Description: Part B

Saponin ex. Quillaja for molecular biology, 9% Sapogenin

80967 25 Gms
EUR 45
Description: Part B

Phenol Tris Equilibrated for molecular biology w/o Stabilizer

78348 100 ml
EUR 13.75
Description: Part A

Dimethylformamide, GlenBiol™, suitable for molecular biology with molecular sieve

GS3406 2500ml
EUR 111.53

Dimethylformamide, GlenBiol™, suitable for molecular biology with molecular sieve

GS3406-2500 2500
EUR 116.2

10X Phosphate Buffered Saline (PBS) for molecular biology

78529 100 ml
EUR 4.95
Description: Part B

Agarose, low EEO, GlenBiol, suitable for molecular biology

GE6258-100G 100 g
EUR 217.2

20X SSPE Buffer pH-7.4 suitable for molecular biology

78305 200 ml
EUR 6.75
Description: Part B

HEPES Buffer 1M Solution pH-7.3 for molecular biology

78805 100 ml
EUR 25.2
Description: Part B

DEAE Cellulose 23 analytical grade for molecular biology

57136 5 Gms
EUR 20.7
Description: Part B

DEAE Cellulose 32 analytical grade for molecular biology

92321 5 Gms
EUR 25.73
Description: Part B

DEAE Cellulose 52 analytical grade for molecular biology

10529 5 Gms
EUR 16.28
Description: Part B

DEAE Cellulose 11 analytical grade for molecular biology

47478 5 Gms
EUR 18.38
Description: Part B

EDTA Tetrasodium Salt Dihydrate for molecular biology, 99.5%

45247 100 Gms
EUR 6.16
Description: Part A

Potassium Dihydrogen Orthophosphate for molecular biology, 99.5%

54358 250 Gms
EUR 4.11
Description: Part A

Dimethylformamide, GlenBiol™, suitable for molecular biology

GS6580 2500ml
EUR 102.9

Dimethylformamide, GlenBiol™, suitable for molecular biology

GS6580-2500 2500
EUR 107.3

10X Tris Buffered Saline Tween-20 (TBST) for molecular biology

63825 500 ml
EUR 3.9
Description: Part B

5-Fluoroorotic Acid (5-FOA) for molecular biology, 98%

78510 250 Mg
EUR 29.78
Description: Part B

Water, distilled, GlenBiol™, suitable for molecular biology

GK8512 1l
EUR 55.02

Water, distilled, GlenBiol™, suitable for molecular biology

GK8512-1 1
EUR 60.1

Water, distilled, GlenBiol™, suitable for molecular biology

GK8512-1L 1 l
EUR 92.4

Acetonitrile 50, GlenBiol™, suitable for molecular biology

GS0247 1l
EUR 58.86

Acetonitrile 50, GlenBiol™, suitable for molecular biology

GS0247-1 1
EUR 40.7

Acetonitrile 50, GlenBiol™, suitable for molecular biology

GS0247-2500 2500
EUR 61.3

Acetonitrile 10, GlenBiol™, suitable for molecular biology

GS0969 1l
EUR 70.81

Acetonitrile 10, GlenBiol™, suitable for molecular biology

GS0969-1 1
EUR 47

Acetonitrile 10, GlenBiol™, suitable for molecular biology

GS0969-2500 2500
EUR 73.9

Acetonitrile 30, GlenBiol™, suitable for molecular biology

GS8649 1l
EUR 63.83

Acetonitrile 30, GlenBiol™, suitable for molecular biology

GS8649-1 1
EUR 43.1

Acetonitrile 30, GlenBiol™, suitable for molecular biology

GS8649-2500 2500
EUR 66.5

Ovalbumin ex. Chicken Egg White for molecular biology, 90%

61799 1 Gms
EUR 21
Description: Part B

Ovalbumin ex. Chicken Egg White for molecular biology, 98%

13788 250 Mg
EUR 61.5
Description: Part B

Sodium Lauryl Sulphate (SDS, SLS) for molecular biology, 99%

32096 25 Gms
EUR 4.04
Description: Part A

Sodium Phosphate Dibasic Dihydrate for molecular biology, 99.5%

87027 250 Gms
EUR 3.08
Description: Part A

Sodium Phosphate Dibasic Anhydrous for molecular biology, 99.5%

21669 250 Gms
EUR 5.68
Description: Part A

Ammonia solution, GlenBiol™, suitable for molecular biology

GS8853 100ml
EUR 87.46

Ammonia solution, GlenBiol™, suitable for molecular biology

GS8853-100 100
EUR 91.2

Phenol, (Carbolic acid) Double distilled for Molecular Biology

PD0252 500g
EUR 192.59

N-Methyl-2-Pyrrolidone (NMP) for molecular biology, 99.5%

89975 250 ml
EUR 5.2
Description: Part A

Sodium Phosphate Monobasic Anhydrous for molecular biology, 99%

59443 250 Gms
EUR 7.32
Description: Part A

Sodium Phosphate Monobasic Dihydrate for molecular biology, 99%

93494 500 Gms
EUR 5.64
Description: Part A

Cetyltrimethyl Ammonium Bromide (CTAB) for molecular biology, 99%

12779 100 Gms
EUR 4.2
Description: Part B

Our analysis of the genome sequence to identify expansion protein, non-protein-coding RNA families and repeat elements, the latter of which shows a mixture of reptilian and mammalian features. Tuatara genome sequencing provides a valuable resource for in-depth comparative analysis of tetrapods, as well as for tuatara biology and conservation. Our study also provides important insights into both technical challenges and cultural obligations related to genome sequencing. Analysis of the codon usage bias (CUB) is very important in perceiving the knowledge of molecular biology, the discovery of new genes, designing transgenes and gene evolution.